ANN Interview

Please look in Anime News Network's Gallery for an interview of me and my work. I'm afraid I feel very shy as the interview made my minor recent work seem like a big deal. Still, thanks ANN for the feature!

Recently I have been very busy with my internship and miscellaneous freelance work which includes very fun things which I never thought I would do: online dress up dolls, baby doll and animal designs, web design illustration, etc. Definitely not what I'm used to, but it's really good experience and I'm having a blast!


  1. That is amazing Schin, congrats. That is really cool. I'm glad everything seems to be going well.

  2. I am reallyimpressedby see your work,keep it up,it is

  3. I really liked your work! keep up the gud work...


I appreciate every comment, thank you!