ImagineFX #40 FXpose!

Be sure to get a copy of ImagineFX #40, I am featured as the FXPose for that issue! Weee!
There's a great interview with Adam Hughes (who I also interviewed in October, 08) along with workshops about creature design, anatomy and realism painting.
ImagineFX #40 should already be out in the UK, and will be out in the US and everywhere else starting February 4, 09.


  1. Congratulations! I just started reading that magazine a month ago!

  2. That's super awesome shin! Next step: the cover! Haha!
    Hmm, now I have a good reason to finally buy an imaginefx =)

  3. congratulations on the feature!! Looks awesome!

  4. Oh Darn. now I have to actually go buy one. I've flipped through the magazine a couple times at Barnes, but darn it! You're gonna make me spend money! ;P

  5. I just bought my copy! I was so worried that they were out, but not yet! (^ ^ ). Of course the pictures are beautiful, but the interview was so disappointingly short!

    Anyhoo. When I meet you, you're gonna needa sign it for me (^ ^ )


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